Summer means academic downtime for many children, making it the perfect time to bridge that summer gap with books that interest your child. Books are powerful tools that can introduce children to people and places that may be familiar or unique to them. They can promote empathy and encourage initiative. Books can take children on a trip to the stars or… [Read More]
When my children were small they were like most, busy little kids and into everything. Each had at least one imaginary friend and a host of real-life friends. They would play for hours. Little nooks around our home were transformed into… [Read More]
The Billy Books not only cater to children in their primary years and appeals to the inner child in each of us, but is perfect for shared-reading experiences between parents and children [Read More]
Politics and the political arena have never been for the faint hearted, and this Presidential Election was no exception. In fact, much of the rhetoric was so negative and lingered for so long that, by Election Day, many of us – constituents and pundits alike – felt as if we were suffering from post-election angst. As parents, protecting our children [Read More]
Engaging your child, tween, or teen in the political process can be a healthy exercise that can promote their personal opinions, enhance their public speaking skills, and foster their healthy identity. When my son was four years old his class participated in a mock presidential election. True, these pint-sized votes wouldn’t be officially cast, but it did mark the first time he actively engaged with his peers about our political process.[Read More]
Growing up, my bike was more an extension of my body than a means of transportation. After school and on weekends I ventured around town with friends. It got me everywhere I needed to go. Being on that bike created so many great childhood memories, but by the time I was in high school I had so many other activities it became less convenient and less practical to bike anywhere. During my first two years of college I rarely considered [Read More]
It’s almost that time! I am just days away from participating in the Pan Mass Challenge (PMC). All rider-raised dollars will go to the Dana Farber Institute (DFCI) and The Jimmy Fund for cancer research. It blows my mind how quickly time has gone by from when I first began training. This past week, the realization that the ride is just around the corner hit me like a ton of bricks. At first, the voice [Read More]
What a great event for an even greater cause! Last month, I successfully completed my first Pan Mass Challenge. The opportunity to support cancer research and those who have been affected by the disease, and pay homage to my late grandmother brought purpose and personal meaning to my experience. However, training for the Pan Mass Challenge [Read More]